Why Turquoise?
As a photographer, I have come to realize what really makes me passionate about photography. I love to capture the inner qualities of women. Their love. Their strength. The way they open their hearts. How beautiful they are without even knowing it. Give me that moment of real life when you can catch a snippet of someone enjoying what they truly love- especially when they don’t think anyone is looking- and that is pure enchantment.
In color psychology the color turquoise is said to control and heal emotions. Turquoise is associated with opening the lines of communication and connecting one’s heart and the words in which are spoken. We all have a story that make us who we are and how we see the world. Actually we all have many stories, just some stick around longer than others. Mine has been a part of me for a long time. You might not think you have one, but I guarantee you that if you stopped overthinking it with your mind and instead spoke with your soul that you would find the truth that has shaped you. The lessons we take in are like waves. Some make us feel stronger and more empowered. Others can take us right out at the knees leaving us broken and drowning. Those lowest moments can’t be allowed to be what define us. We need to meet them with love, faith, and compassion. Not just for others, but also for ourselves. In those moments that you are most vulnerable, you need to turn to “your people” and allow them to fill you with what you need until you regain your footing to reintroduce yourself as the person that comes out on the other side. That’s what a Turquoise Women does by sharing what is behind our masks and creating a space of unity to show one another we are never alone in both the good times and the bad. We are all together, working to inspire one another to love ourselves..
The incredible women we all know bring this beauty to the world every day while adding so much positive energy without realizing the power that they all hold. Each having their own unique story as to how they shine. We all have it, sometimes we just need to be reminded where to find it. Hopefully you will find some of that inspiration here!
I know you are one too!!