Turquoise Women

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I admit to loving hard with an intense heart..

“How can you live without everything touching you”…..Lauren Bird Horowitz

I have learned to embrace the fact that I love hard and feel with an intense heart. My joy can feel intoxicating. My sadness can be blinding. My fight for something is passionate. And I decided to stop apologizing for being who I truly am. I use to view this force inside of me as a character flaw. A weakness that created a mess of chaos in my head that most times I refused to allow out of its cage, but in reality the madness was due to a lack of communicating my words that I needed to have heard.  I discovered it was just fear. Fear of being honest. Fear of getting hurt. Fear of vulnerability. Fear of being labeled “emotional”. But what is wrong with being emotional? Being truthful with emotions is what gives you depth. The purpose of life is to live it and how can you live it if you refuse to feel your way through it. And I am not just talking about the happy parts, but the sad and angry moments in life as well. The loss you feel in those negative fragments is because there was once a love there that fueled those emotions. To not wanting to feel is rejecting love and love in any form is hard to deny. The hard part is to allow yourself to accept what is happening but not to be devoured. Negative emotions can be fierce but the gift of a loving heart is that it gives you the power to keep fighting to eventually find where your happiness is again.

Allow yourself to be touched by life with loving hard and feeling deeply. You never know what you might discover about yourself once you accept giving who you are honestly and being your true authentic self without any reservations placed on your heart.